Monday, May 23, 2005

Hmm..pindah umah..takder internet..takle blogging atau msning..bermaksud saye bukan yg disangkekan.
Walaubagaimanapun, kembali ke sekolah minggu dpn. Yipee..? Hmm.. (patut tanyer tuan nyer).
Err..di sini takle tulis panjang lebar. Takot kene marah nanti. Da la mepek. Hehekz..
Lagipon, bukannyer saye tau sgt tentang perkara2 dalam..err..takpe. Lupekan jer.
Saper2 yg tk paham aper yg sedang berlaku..erm..sorrie yer..!

Ps: Blogging dlm bahase melayu=perah otak kering2..(such things..?!) Hah..

Monday, May 16, 2005

at this very momment..
on this very day..
from the very fact of reluctance...
against all my self-believe...
to lose all my pride..
sacrificing my every strength i have within..
insulting my entire intelligence..
and how meaningless it can possible be..
im going to do something i have never done before in my life...
im about to intimidate the mortals who have fargone reading this entry...
and so it reaches to the climax point of "what-the-hell?"
until he blurted out a few words..
so foreign it seems...
so distant it appears...
all in the midst of twisted confusion..
aniticipating his concurrent reaction...
you made it so big a deal..
when all he wants was to say was...

daripade skarang...
saye akan blog orang melayu pulak..
pasal lamai olang complain tak paham bahase engrish saye.
so saye terpakse blog melayu walaupun malayu saye fail banyak-banyak kali.
so saye harap kamu semue happy happy.
kite pon bole gembire jugak together-geder..
so kalau orang orang lain mase tak paham jugak orang melayu yang tgh saye bobalkan sekarang..
tolong ajar saye bahase tamil pulak k? k...
salam sejahtere
selamat malam semue.
nak tido bace doa..
orang melayu kene bace doa kan..
ok? k..
amik kasih!!
[take care]

"kite okay skarang kerane awak"

Monday, May 09, 2005

its complicated how single incident can change the course of the future.
no matter how huge the odds were.
no matter how defying to the truth it may seem.
it made me realise..
it made me absolutely certain now of what i've always believed in before.
that things shall...and will come as it should be.
some might think im just atrociously monolyrically-minded.
in other words..just pure bullshit.
but my life has so far been this way.
and im hoping it stays the same.
as i try hard at times to understand the rationale of some complications...
i'll just end up being unreasonable to myself.
and also to 'ze loved one'.
so forgive me dear if i had been a little harsh on my words these few days.
i'll promise you i'll try to be sensitive enough to understand and give in.
argue no more kiez..yea..*adores*

today i tripped an old lady and made her fall onto the floor like a turtle!
unintentional of cos!
how wicked. haha.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

this is one of the reasons why i hate tagboards.
the same reason that influence me in my past few blogs.
whats next?? backstabbers??
you people dont seem to make any sense to me.
its been some time since i went to town to do some shopping.
a fren of mine happen to bring along a gerl.
a typical "minah"...
[ sorry no offence ]
when asked nicely of her age and stuff....
the best she could do is came up with a stupid lame answer.
and expect it to be a joke to lauf our heads off.
now i'm convinced a sweet serene face doesnt tell the whole personality.
absolutely not her kind that i never knew existed.
the harder you try..the worse it falls on you.
so do us the community a favour and stop trying will ya..
btw..someone labelled me an "immature"..
sounds scary and funny at the same time! hah.
still..thats probably the first i ever received a synonym so unprecendented.
you really made my day occupied.
its something i have to think about for awhile.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

had earlier intended to drop a simple msg
on her blog.
but i kinda changed my mind.
seeing how her frens were all hitting hard on me.
im pretty hesitant about it afterwards.
i dunnoe if they're just skeptical.
mabi replacing the envious.
or simple say...
its just pure jealousy??
and dont have to feel guilty or anything okiez.
cos there're nothing that i would be mad at or
exasperating about when everything you've done
seems faultless to me.
love you always.
and ya..
did i mention that ive got 3 days off from werk!
mabi i'll become a girl for one day.
and enjoy the art of shopping!!
sowie.. craps comes along with my dooziness.
mabi i should go and make appointment wif my bed now.
nitez frenz.