Monday, May 16, 2005

at this very momment..
on this very day..
from the very fact of reluctance...
against all my self-believe...
to lose all my pride..
sacrificing my every strength i have within..
insulting my entire intelligence..
and how meaningless it can possible be..
im going to do something i have never done before in my life...
im about to intimidate the mortals who have fargone reading this entry...
and so it reaches to the climax point of "what-the-hell?"
until he blurted out a few words..
so foreign it seems...
so distant it appears...
all in the midst of twisted confusion..
aniticipating his concurrent reaction...
you made it so big a deal..
when all he wants was to say was...

daripade skarang...
saye akan blog orang melayu pulak..
pasal lamai olang complain tak paham bahase engrish saye.
so saye terpakse blog melayu walaupun malayu saye fail banyak-banyak kali.
so saye harap kamu semue happy happy.
kite pon bole gembire jugak together-geder..
so kalau orang orang lain mase tak paham jugak orang melayu yang tgh saye bobalkan sekarang..
tolong ajar saye bahase tamil pulak k? k...
salam sejahtere
selamat malam semue.
nak tido bace doa..
orang melayu kene bace doa kan..
ok? k..
amik kasih!!
[take care]

"kite okay skarang kerane awak"


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