Thursday, January 18, 2007

Bang! Bang! i shot you down..

it was a government letter with my name and a capital "Mr" to add in front..
it was so formal till i thought i had did something wrong to offend the law..
its not like im NOT used to getting fined..
nor do i expect anything less than a reminder for some late payments..

as i ripped the side of the letter..
i could feel my heart beating faster..
i grew anxious..
i talk to myself..
i was hoping the worse and decided to keep a straight face
and not get too surprized or annoyed of its contents..

it was right then when the heading hit me hard on the head..
i was shortlisted to attend an interview assessment with the Police Force!!!
haha..oh how eccentric i am..

"you better watch better not cry."
"you better telling you why."
"Mister Policeman is coming to town.." haha

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


i've been on a hiatus these few months..
my post has been sleeping hours has been untimely..
my room has been messy ever since..
and i especially has eating disorder..
not that im facing an anorexic period
oh no not ever..!
its just that ive been eating more rubbish that proper meals..haha.

am watching a delayed soccer match between singapore and laos..
oh how i pity the laos..
played like a bunch of school boys and happy to get bullied and tortured..hah
i rather pee in my pants than to play a game beaten 11 goals to none..

am also patiently waiting for a reply from the police force..
i applied for a career bond with the police..
come to think of it..
definately no regretts..
i rather spend five years earning a 2K/mth pay than wasting my time serving 2 years with a mere 300 cashed in the bank each month..haha
still..i shant get too cocky either..
let me just hope okay..