Wednesday, August 02, 2006

its been some time since i stepped back into poly..
i did yesterday..
and it all flashback right again..

the hectic moments..with a carefree life..
those hot headed teachers..blend with the hottie chickies in canteen 1..hehe
these fashion sense people (i salute)..and those who has nothing better to do with their hair..=P
the cold lecture room..with desks that was as cozy as your bed..
and lectures that sung lullabies to your ears..

its the place where going to school are a mandatory..
but attending lectures are prolly well . . . decided according to your moods..
dont feel like it..then dont go..haha =P
or worse still..
"the teacher sux lahz..dowan go lahz.."
that has always been my case.

amidst that..friends are the source of motivation..
for the bad..and bad-er..hehe
forget all about how the school braggg on and on about us to be "independant" and "self-reliant"
cuz at the end of the day..u find yourself chilling out in the canteen,
being damn late for tutorial,
but still figuring out whether to go or not to go??
and friends are there to encourage your evil side personality to just take it easy braderrr..haha
"eh..boring ar..we all go play pool ar want?" just there going with the flow..

and i had a lecturer once who scold the blardy shit out of me just because i pass her exam..
instead..she had wanted me to fail! things can get so much ridiculous?

weeee..i miss those times..**

and someone was on cloud 9 yesterday..hehe
the other one..
jumping on his twinkie toes..
and smiled frantically to himself..all the way back home..haha


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